Take the [Personal]180 to rate how well changes are being executed at your workplace and get your personalized commitment and change leadership effectiveness scores.
Click the [Personal]180 logo to take the survey
[Download the free App ]
The [Org]180 App is a change management tool that allows managers and organizational change leaders to gauge people-related risks for upcoming or in-progress organizational changes. The App includes 4 sets of questions that allow you to quickly evaluate and receive real-time feedback on team members’ change readiness, two dimensions of change leadership effectiveness, and organizational culture and climate.
The questions are quick and easy to answer – choose from strongly agree to strongly disagree. Within about 5 minutes, you will have clear feedback on how you, your team, and your organization are doing along with clear recommendations on what you can do to improve change outcomes and success.
[Leverage Change Leader Templates ]
When you need to make workplace change happen, there’s no reason to wait. Get started with these free, easy-to-use tools that will give you ideas on how to get started leading your change initiatives. Just click to download and bring these to your next meeting.
Each of these are detailed in the book, Selling Change: How Successful Change Leaders Use Impact, Influence, and Consistency to Transform Their Organizations
[ Plan Your Change Budget ]
Planning the budget for your upcoming or ‘in-flight’ change can be a challenge—especially if you don’t have a good idea of what your greatest risks are (hint: its people ). Use the free calculator to plan.
[Read the Book That Started it All ]
Get the first chapter of the new book, Selling Change: How Successful Change Leaders Use Impact, Influence, and Consistency to Transform Their Organizations. The book details the science and real-world transformations that would have been impossible without the right change leadership focused on highly engaged commitment to change. Click the image to download the first chapter.