Privacy Policy

At The Change Shop, LLC we believe that successful change-focused research and team engagement relies on trustworthy information. Protecting the privacy of the people who make our business possible is one way of ensuring ongoing trust and is therefore vital to our ongoing business success.

At The Change Shop, we adhere to U.S.-EU Safe Harbor guidelines on protection on privacy and data protection that outline the ways organizations should collect, use, protect and disclose personal and organizational information.

The Change Shop embraces the seven Privacy Principles because they build on our Company objective to protect the privacy of respondents, clients and other people associated with our Company.

  • Why do we collect information?
  • Why do we collect demographic information?
  • How does The Change Shop collect personal information?
  • Who has access to my survey feedback?
  • How do we protect the data we collect from misuse?
  • Access to personal information

Why do we collect information? The purpose of our research and data collection efforts is to gather and present the opinions of employees and associated team members directly to the people making decisions about change initiatives, management, culture, and workplace environment that touch many aspects of daily work life.

To enable this, The Change Shop gathers survey information and opinions on a variety of different issues associated with change management and factors influencing organizational change initiatives.

We use data at an aggregate level, that is, we use the combined answers of many people to draw conclusions as to the opinions of broad segments of the workforce.

Why do we collect demographic information? Sometimes, The Change Shop collects optional demographic information from survey respondents. Most often this is used to draw broader conclusions about the population-specific impacts of workplace change initiatives.

This information can also be used to enable us to gain an accurate picture of what certain groups of people in an organization think, for example, what percentage of employees are committed to the organization’s change initiative(s) or how can change initiatives be improved to encourage greater levels of commitment?

We may also gather personal contact information such as name and contact details so we can contact the Respondent for further research or when rewards and prize draws are offered.

Any and all information that identifies an individual, such as name or address, is removed from our survey data as soon as it is no longer needed i.e. we use only de-identified data for research analysis. This is done to ensure that no information that is provided can be directly attributed to a specific individual.

At no time is individually identifiable data shared with the respondent’s organization management or leadership.

How does The Change Shop collect personal information? Data is collected through web-based surveys. In some cases, participants may opt to be interviewed by a member of The Change Shop team. In those instances, The Change Shop interviewers will always clearly identify themselves to respondents and in the case of face-to-face interviews, our interviewers will always carry appropriate identification. If we are collecting your name and contact details, the purpose of this will always be made clear either in writing, electronic means or by our interviewer.

Who has access to my survey feedback? The Change Shop will only transfer survey information to members of the organization’s management team. At no time will information be provided to third parties for any reason. The Change Shop, LLC will not transfer personal details to a client or any third party not directly involved in the completion of a survey project without the consent of the individual the details relate to.

We are not involved in direct marketing and will never sell personal or organizational information to marketing companies for direct marketing or any other purposes.

How do we protect the data we collect from misuse? The Change Shop takes all reasonable precautions to protect information held about people who make our research and data comparison tools possible.

All our systems are security protected and all The Change Shop, LLC staff and interviewers sign a confidentiality agreement upon commencing with the company. Any and all personal information is stored securely and destroyed as soon as it is no longer required.

Survey response data are stored on servers in the United States.

Access to personal information As set out in the U.S.-EU Safe Harbor Guidelines on data privacy and data protection, individuals may seek access to and request the correction or deletion of personal information held about them while this information remains identifiable. To action a request, call or send an email to our team at with your request.

Privacy Policy

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