
2017-03-16 23:52:58    Robert E. Smith, PhD, Founder, The Change Shop

The Change [Middle] Manager's Dilemma

I used to be a lot like you. When I was working as a full-time change management consultant for the world’s largest management consulting firm, I was the quintessential middle manager. By day, I was providing expert consulting advice to global leaders who’s organizations were undergoing massive and complex transformations yet I also dealt with the typical administrative duties of any middle manager – – think project financials, meeting monthly and quarterly targets, executive reporting, hiring new team members, overseeing deliverables, client meetings, etc. Though I’d sat at the knee of, been trained under the tutelage of some of the world’s leading experts in change management, and had access to the best change management tools money could buy, the day-to-day realities of managing (and helping my clients manage) organizational change made it difficult at times to distill leading organizational practices into clear, easy-to-follow, and repeatable process that could be tracked from the inception of the change process to the end. I kept thinking, “there must be an easier way”. 


A few years later I decided to create that way myself based on all those experiences and The Change ShopTM was born. The tools, models, and dashboards are directly based on my selfish, inner middle manager desire to have everything at my fingertips. Unless you have a dedicated 15-person change management team, it’s probably difficult and unnecessarily time-consuming to maintain and track change-related activities across multiple projects and change phases all while staying focused on having meaningful client conversations. Sometimes simply having the ability to quickly lookup what a different organization in your industry did to drive commitment across their teams is all you need. Sometimes you just need a summary report to take to your next senior leadership meeting. The Change ShopTM puts all these into a single platform. That’s what the slogan “put change in the bag” means.


Our platform was designed to provide busy change leaders everything you need to assess, track, and lead multiple change initiatives. Are there more expensive and complex change management tools out there, absolutely. But who has time to deal with expensive and complex? Middle manager me certainly didn’t and I suspect you don’t either.

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Jisha • 6 years ago

Nice :)

My Hearty thanks :) • 6 years ago

Hi Its an awesome blog Thank you for this Thanks to Change Shop

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